Eligibility Information
Rules of Eligbility
It is crucial to understand the rules of eligibility for the ACAC and CCAA. To participate on a Kodiaks Athletics team, you must maintain that eligibility. Familiarize yourself with the rules and should you have any questions, ask your head coach or the Athletics manager.
The basics:
- maintain full-time enrolment, which is nine credits each semester at Lethbridge College
- earn a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better
- pass 18 credits in an academic year
- compete for no more than five years at the post-secondary level
For up-to-date information, please read the latest edition of the ACAC Operating Code.
Full-Time Enrollment
You must be enrolled in a minimum of nine credits in each semester to be deemed full-time. Only full-time student athletes who are presently taking classes are able to compete.
If your program ends before the conclusion of your athletics schedule in the same semester, you can continue participating in athletics until the end of that semester.
Apprenticeship students, you are not eligible to compete until you are attending full-time classes.
Considering Withdrawing From Classes?
Consult with your head coach and then the Athletics manager if you are considering withdrawing from classes that will put your academic load below nine credits. Failing to do this may jeopardize the eligibility of your entire team.
Academic Standing
Academic standing in the ACAC and CCAA has two components that you must meet:
- minimum passing GPA of 2.0 or better
- credit completion
If your GPA is less than 2.0 in the fall or winter term, you will be ineligible to participate on any Kodiaks team until you re-establish your academic standing by completing one semester as a full-time student and earn a GPA of 2.0 or better. This requirement can be met in a spring/summer semester of full-time studies.
Credit completion or academic progress is dependent on the length of your season.
- Two semester participation (basketball, indoor track and volleyball): You must pass 18 credits in an academic year with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better (Sept. 1 – Aug. 31). A minimum of six credits must be passed in the September to December term for you to be eligible in the subsequent term.
- One semester participation (cross country, soccer and futsal): You must pass a minimum of nine credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better during the academic semester in which you participated or completed 18 credits over the full academic year with a cumulative GPA of 2.0, in order to be eligible for participation in the subsequent academic year.
If you begin playing for a team in January, you must pass a minimum of nine credits with a minimum 2.0 GPA before the beginning of the next academic year to be eligible for participation in the subsequent semester.
Academic Monitoring
To ensure you are on-track to maintain your eligibility, ask your instructors to provide regular mid-semester grade and attendance reports. These should be shared with your coaching staff and the Kodiaks Athletics office.
You are expected to attend all of your classes unless prior approval is received or you are absent due to an illness. It is imperative that you request permission from your instructors to be absent from class for athletics participation in advance. This does not include practice.
Your instructors have the authority to grant or deny your absence – you are asking for their support to not only be absent but to also assist you in your effort to make up the lost time.
At Lethbridge College the Kodiaks Academic Success Team (KAST) provides support for student-athletes in their academics. These supports include academic coaches, resources and information to help with assignments, regular check-ins throughout each academic term and resources for career and personal development.
Transfer Student
As a transferring student-athlete from another post-secondary institution, you may not participate in an ACAC-sanctioned sport unless you have met the academic standard for participation at the institution from which you are transferring. Completing the ACAC transfer form will determine this. You may not compete until the form has been returned to Lethbridge College and has been passed through the ACAC office.